User Guide - Management Console - Functional Setup - Outbound Call Management

User Guide - Management Console - Functional Setup - Outbound Call Management

Functional Setup

Outbound Call Management

The purpose of Outbound Call Management is to reach contacts in a planned, methodical, efficient, effective, and accountable manner.  The ChaseData CCaaS system aids with this goal and automates the related tasks.  By allowing management to define rules within the ChaseData CCaaS system, decision making is centralized and automatized; management can limit or allow as much decision-making capability to their agents, based on their skills.

ChaseData CCaaS provides several dialing mode options in order to meet all of the outbound calling requirements of the call center operations. Each dialing mode can be assigned to any Campaign. Some dialing modes leverage efficient, high volume connection rates for the call center; others are better suited for customer call backs that require detailed review of customer notes and records.

Outbound Call Management is driven by Campaigns, where the outbound dialing behavior is defined; that is because outgoing calls are generated with a purpose, and that purpose is built into a Campaign.  But there are special treatments or behaviors of Outbound Call Management that we define outside a Campaign (some are referenced in the Campaign); we will present those items in this section.

In general, an agent can only take outbound calls from one Campaign at a time; the agent selects the Campaign when logging in, or when switching Campaigns after login. The Campaigns allowed for an agent are determined by Skill; the Skill can be assigned Active Campaigns.

We will discuss how to use Dialing Priorities with Sub-Campaigns to partition Campaigns as your plans progress.  We will discuss how to filter contacts, or leads, using Playlists.  We will discuss how to create special Dial Lists for specific agents.  And we will also discuss how to define special Dialing Rules to configure the system to progress through a list of the contact’s telephone numbers.

But before we get to that, let’s review how outbound dialing is handled without considering any special condition; refer to the following diagrams.

Let’s now look at the special treatments and behaviors that we can apply to Outbound Call Management; we start with Outbound Dialing Rules and parameters. The typical process is to define these rules and then associate them with Campaigns and/or Agents.

To perform the corresponding configuration tasks, go the main menu area on the left and click to expand the Outbound menu, which will show the related configuration domains, as detailed in the next sub-sections.

Dial Priority

Dial Priority is a mechanism to prioritize calls within a Campaign.  It is based on Sub-campaigns; specifically, the active status of the sub-campaigns, the ordering of the active sub-campaigns, and the weight (percentage) of each active sub-campaign.  Keep in mind that if a campaign doesn’t have sub-campaigns, or it has sub-campaigns, but none marked active, the system dials in random order from the full set.

Keep in mind that if Dial Priority is defined for a Campaign, all and every call for that Campaign, for every agent handling calls for that Campaign, will be bound by the Dial Priority. If you don’t want these rules to apply anymore, you must remove the corresponding Dial Priority.

To configure dial priorities, go the main menu area on the left, click to expand the Outbound menu, and select Dial Priority. Then pull down the Select Campaign menu found on the top left of the presentation area and select the campaign for which you want to configure the dial priority.  Refer to the following picture.

After selecting a campaign, its sub-campaigns appear split into two areas; the right area shows the Sub-campaigns that are selected to be active for this rule, while the left area shows those that have not, but still available for selection. You can click-and-drag sub-campaigns from one side to the other, or click-select (single or multiple) sub-campaigns and use the action item icons between the two panels; click on the icon to perform the corresponding action (AddAdd AllSaveRefreshRemove AllRemove).

After saving (click on the Save icon), the system will be set to dial in random order from the active sub-campaigns (or the full set if no sub-campaigns or no active sub-campaigns); this assumes that all the switches in the top part of the window panel are in the OFF position (more about that later). Refer to the following picture.

To assign a percentage of records to handle for each active sub-campaign, click on the Utilization switch button in the top area of the window panel.  After that switch is set to the ON position, each sub-campaign in the active state is shown with a scroll-menu for you to set the percentage. Refer to the following picture.

When the Utilization switch is ON, each Active Sub-Campaign is presented with a percentage selector, which should add to 100%. Each allowed combination of the switches (UtilizationActive List Order, and Grab Bag) will produce a unique way of selecting and prioritizing records from the selected (Active) sub-campaigns, as explained in the ”Prioritization Mechanisms for Dial Priority and Skill Priority” sub-section.

Note that the graph with percentages in the area above of the Available and Active sub-campaigns represent totals for all sub-campaigns, for both the Available side and the Active side.  For example, if there were two sub-campaigns in the Available side, say S1 and S2, with S1t the total contacts in S1 and S1a the available contacts in S1, and similarly for S2, the graph for Available represents (S1a+S2a) / (S1t+S2t). The other graphs follow a similar logic.

Keep in mind, as well, that there are Campaign Settings, i.e. Dial Sequence, that affect how the system selects the records for each campaign/sub-campaign (e.g. New Leads Dialed First), within the percentages specified, according to the switch setting rules. Refer to Campaign Settings and to “Prioritization Mechanisms for Dial Priority and Skill Priority”.

Skill Priority

Skill Priority allows performing skills-based dialing by defining outbound dialing priorities for a specific Skill; every agent assigned that Skill will get outbound calls according to the corresponding Skill Priority, bypassing the standard Campaign to which the Agent signs into. It works by defining priorities to a selected list of Sub-Campaigns; these Sub-Campaigns can be from any Campaign.

Keep in mind that if Skill Priority is defined for a Skill, all and every call related to that Skill, for every agent that has that Skill, will be bound by the Skill Priority. If you don’t want these rules to apply anymore, you must remove the corresponding Skill Priority.

Before we go any further, you should be aware that your version of the solution may have an enhancement that allows you to (1) use Skill Priority for inbound calls, as well, and/or (2) define Skill Priority for a full Campaign by just using the priority rules configured in a corresponding Dial Priority rule and/or a filter in a Playlist. We present both cases hereafter.

First, the original solution options.

To configure skill priorities, go the main menu area on the left, click to expand the Out Bound menu, and select Skill Priority. Then pull down the Select Skill menu found on the top left of the presentation area and select the skill for which you want to configure the skill priority.  Refer to the following picture.

After selecting a skill, sub-campaigns from all campaigns appear split into two areas; the right area shows the Sub-campaigns that are selected to be active for this rule, while the left area shows those that have not, but still available for selection. You can click-and-drag sub-campaigns from one side to the other, or click-select (single or multiple) sub-campaigns and use the action item icons between the two panels; click on the icon to perform the corresponding action (AddAdd AllSaveRefreshRemove AllRemove).

In essence, Skill Priority is allowing you to combine dialing records that belong to different Campaigns, but through their Sub-Campaigns (those in the Active list); all within a common “dialing cache” and prioritization rule. The Campaign rules applied to each call are those where the original record belongs (the Campaign under which the related Sub-Campaign belongs), irrespective to which Campaign the Agent is logged into.

Now, the enhanced solution options.

In the enhanced solution, Skill Priority is expanded to include both outbound and inbound calls.

Let us first start with the end result of defining a Skill Priority rule, including the enhancements:

Agents with a Skill that is associated with a Skill Priority rule are only assigned calls for Sub-campaigns set as Active for the Skill Priority rule, and

However, if the Dial Priority switch is enabled, the lists and filters used are the ones defined in the Dial Priority rule for the corresponding Campaign (any lists and filters here would be overridden)

If Filter Calls is enabled and a Playlist is selected, only calls that meet the playlist criteria are considered, whether there are Active sub-campaigns or not, and

Calls for those Sub-campaigns and/or Filters are only assigned to Agents with the Skill associated with that Skill Priority rule.

Applying Skill Priority to inbound calls is an optional and additional step to outbound Skill Priority for the associated Skill. This is enabled on the Skill itself, by turning on an option to apply those Skill Priority rules to inbound calls, as well; in essence, the associated Skill Priority rules defined for outbound calls are also applied to inbound calls if the Skill is enabled.

In summary, the enhanced version of Skill Priority covers the following:

Skill can have an associated Skill Priority.

Skill Priority can be assigned a list of Sub-campaigns (i.e., Sub-campaigns are made active for that rule) with associated ordering and prioritization rules (in the case of outbound calls) for Contacts in those Sub-campaigns.

Unless the Dial Priority switch is enabled, in which case the ordering and prioritization rules  are those defined for the corresponding Dial Priority rule.

The list of Sub-campaigns can be from any Campaign (i.e., not limited to a single Campaign)

Unless the Dial Priority switch is enabled, in which case the list used is on a campaign basis, per the corresponding Dial Priority rule.

The Skill Priority rule can also use a Playlist to filter the calls (Playlist is defined under Playlist Builder), whether there are active Sub-campaigns or not.

Agents with the corresponding Skill are assigned calls according to the associated ordering and prioritization rules; refer to “Prioritization Mechanisms for Dial Priority and Skill Priority” for details.

Each call is handled by the Agent in the context of the Campaign where the record resides.

Each Skill may be associated with a different Skill Priority rule; a Sub-campaign can be active on more than one Skill Priority rule, in which case the Sub-campaign will be handled according to the ordering and prioritization rules specific to the Skill Priority applicable for each case (a Skill Priority dialing cache is in place as long as an Agent with the associated Skill is logged in).

It is important to understand what happens when Agents are no longer available and/or there are no more contacts available in the Skill Priority Sub-Campaign(s).

The following behavior cases should be taken into consideration. First, let’s make these simple assumptions for illustration purposes:

  1. Skill Priority Rule 1 (SPR-1) includes Sub-Campaign AA (SCM-AA) and is active
  1. SCM-AA resides in Campaign A (CM-A)
  1. Skill 1 (SK-1) is associated with SPR-1
  1. Agent 1 (AG-1) has SK-1 and is logged in
  1. Agent 9 (AG-9) has Skill Other (SK-Other), and SK-Other is not associated with any Skill Priority rule
  1. AG-9 is logged into CM-A
  1. No other agents are logged in

No-Agent Case – no more Agents with the associated Skill are logged in anymore:

  1. At one point, AG-1 logs out with the following effect:
  1. The dialing cache for SPR-1 is removed, which includes SCM-AA items
  1. The items in SCM-AA, however, are still callable through its parent campaign, CM-A
  1. AG-9 is logged into CM-A and therefore SCM-AA may be assigned to AG-9 based on the campaigns dialing rules.

Empty/Exhausted Sub-Campaign Case – no more callable items in the Skill Priority rule Sub-Campaigns:

  1. For simplicity, assume the only active Sub-Campaigns for SPR-1 is SCM-AA
  1. At one point, SCM-AA does not have any more callable items resulting in the following:
  1. Since SK-1 is associated with SPR-1, and AG-1 has SK-1, AG-1 can only get calls associated with SCM-A
  1. Since there are no more callable items in SCM-A, AG-1 becomes idle and gets no calls whatsoever.

Sub-Campaign active in multiple Skill Priority rules Case – a callable item is a candidate for loading in more than one Skill Priority dialing cache:

  1. A callable item will not be permitted to be in more than one dialing cache at any given time in order to avoid calling it multiple times without meeting required wait times
  1. After the callable item is added to a dialing cache, the dialing cache is active, and the item has not yet been dialed, the item is made unavailable for adding it to another dialing cache.

To configure skill priorities, go the main menu area on the left, click to expand the Out Bound menu, and select Skill Priority. Then pull down the Select Skill menu found on the top left of the presentation area and select the skill for which you want to configure the skill priority.  Refer to the following picture.

After selecting a skill, sub-campaigns from all campaigns appear split into two areas; the right area shows the Sub-campaigns that are selected to be active for this rule, while the left area shows those that have not, but still available for selection. You can click-and-drag sub-campaigns from one side to the other or click-select (single or multiple) sub-campaigns and use the action item icons between the two panels; click on the icon to perform the corresponding action (AddAdd AllSaveRefreshRemove AllRemove).

Selection and prioritization of records from the selected (Active) sub-campaigns follow the same rules as in Dial Priority. Refer to “Prioritization Mechanisms for Dial Priority and Skill Priority” for details.

Next, we discuss Skill Priority on inbound calls.

The same Skill Priority rules for outbound calls can be applied to inbound calls, as well. To do so, the Skill itself has to be enabled, and that is all that is needed, to incorporate Skill Priority rules for inbound calls.

The way it works for inbound calls is as follows. The calling number from the inbound call is looked up in the system to determine whether it is part of a Sub-campaign and/or Playlist. If so and the Sub-campaign is active on a Skill Priority rule, or the Playlist enabled, then the associated Skill is also checked to determine if it is enabled to Apply Skill Priority Rules for Inbound Calls. If it is, it looks for an available Agent with that Skill (otherwise just continues with standard inbound call handling). If the Skill is enabled and an Agent with that Skill is available, it routes the call to the Agent, otherwise it treats the call as if No Agent is Available.

To configure a Skill for inbound Skill Priority, access Skill Groups settings, select the corresponding Skill, move to the Incoming Call Queues tab, and check the Apply Skill Priority Rules for Inbound Calls option. Refer to the following picture.

Prioritization Mechanisms for Dial Priority and Skill Priority

In the previous sections we presented Dial Priority, which performs Contact (lead) record prioritization based on Sub-Campaigns from a single Campaign, and a similar capability, Skill Priority, which is rather based on all Sub-Campaigns and assigned to a Skill.

In this section we present guidelines about how Contact (lead) records are selected and ordered (i.e. prioritized) for dialing out, which apply to both Dial Priority and Skill Priority.

Campaign Settings

When Dial/Skill Priority is not taking place, Dial Sequence dictates how to prioritize Contact records in the Campaign as a whole. To be precise, Dial Sequence is actually a secondary criterion; the primary criterion happens under-the-hood (and not configurable) based on number of call attempts (records with the least call attempts go first). Following is an example.

Dial Sequence:

First Criterion:

Records with Lowest Call Attempts First

Second Criterion:

Records for Newest Leads First

Following are all the options available for Dial Sequence Criteria. Notice that only the Second Criterion is configurable; the First Criterion is implied and not visible, and is included in this explanation just for proper understanding of the applicable behavior.

First Criterion

Under the hood (Least Attempts)

Second Criterion


List Order

New Leads Dialed First

Random Order

Last Name

The following table provides a reference of all possibilities that will be addressed here.




Records with lower number of call attempts are used first


Records with Lowest Call Attempts First

List Order


Records for Oldest Leads First

New Leads Dialed First


Records for Newest Leads First

Random Order


Random Records and/or Order

Last Name


Alphabetically (Last Name)

At a high level, the process of handling Dial/Skill Priority has two parts: (1) Select records from one or more Sub-Campaigns using a selection criterion, and (2) Prioritize/sort the selected records using a sorting criterion.

Part (1) itself consists of two steps: (a) determine how many records to get from each sub-campaign, and (b) determine which records to obtain from each sub-campaign (i.e. selection priorities).

For the only purpose of providing an explanation and presenting examples, in this section we use the terms Grab Prioritization and Bucket Prioritization with the intention to identify which criterion is used during each step. Let’s be clear that these terms are not used within the GUI but are just used to help in the explanations in this section. Grab Prioritization determines what to select, while Bucket Prioritization determines how to order the records selected.

With that in mind, refer to the following table.


Primary Grab Priority


Secondary Grab Priority


Primary Bucket Priority


Secondary Bucket Priority

Primary identifies the first criterion to use, while Secondary provides a tie breaker if it becomes necessary. To give an analogy, you could have a set of people to select from, and decide to use their last name as the primary criterion for selection, but if you have two names with the same last name, you could use the first name as secondary criterion.

GUI Priority Switches

The user interface for Dial Priority and Skill Priority present a set of switches whose ON/OFF setting determine the selection and prioritization mode to be applied. This section explains the modes corresponding to each allowed combination of these switches. Refer to the following picture.

A picture containing mirror, tableDescription automatically generated

Therefore, let us start by summarizing the allowed switch combinations and the resulting mode. Do note that the mode is just a short ‘description’ of what the switch combinations represent, just for the purpose of this section, and not an actually presented in the Management Console GUI.


Active List Order

Grab Bag






Weighted Distribution

Random Order




Combined List





List Order

(per Campaign’s Dial Sequence)




Combined List

Oldest First

The sub-sections that follow provide a description of the selection and ordering behavior for each of these allowed combinations.

CASE 1: Weighted Distribution / Random Order

This case occurs when the following switch settings are used:


Active List Order

Grab Bag






Weighted Distribution

Random Order

This case is about selecting chunks at a time of Contact records; we will call these chunks Buckets. We fill the bucket with Contact records from the specified Sub-Campaigns; the number of records that we grab from every campaign to fill a bucket is determined by the percentage (weight) assigned to each specified Sub-Campaign. Obviously, we should make sure that these percentages add to 100%.

The following priorities are applied:


Weighted Distribution / Random Order


Records with Lowest Call Attempts First (ATTEMPTS_LEAST)


Random Order (RANDOM)


Random Order (RANDOM)



As we have previously discussed, the first step is the selection process. The Primary Grab Priority (PGP) used in this step is to grab records with the lower number of call attempts (ATTEMPTS_LEAST); if more records than needed satisfy this criterion, the needed number of records is selected using the Secondary Grab Priority (SGP), which is set to be RANDOM (among those that satisfy the PGP).

After the bucket is filled with the selected Contact records, the records in the bucket are ordered (prioritized) using the Primary Bucket Priority (PBP), which in this case is set to be of a random order (RANDOM). Notice that since PBP is random, there is no need for a Secondary Bucket Priority (SBP).

This process is repeated one bucket at a time.

The following picture provides a pictorial example of how this case works.

A screenshot of a cell phoneDescription automatically generated

CASE 2: Combined List / Random

This case occurs when the following switch settings are used: 


Active List Order

Grab Bag






Combined List


In this case, rather than thinking about buckets, we should think about a continuous list of records, even though this list may be split in pieces for performance purposes (but has no impact on the selection an ordering logic) as the example later in this section shows.

In this case, the selection criteria are applied to the combined set of all the Contact records from all the included Sub-Campaigns as a whole.

The following priorities are applied:


Combined List / Random


Records with Lowest Call Attempts First (ATTEMPTS_LEAST)


Random Order (RANDOM)





This case is all about the selection process. The Primary Grab Priority (PGP) used in this step is to grab records with the lower number of call attempts (ATTEMPTS_LEAST) from the combined list of all included Sub-Campaigns; records with the same number of call attempts are then ordered (prioritized) using the Secondary Grab Priority (SGP), which is set to be RANDOM.

The dialing list is then filled with the selected Contact records, which are already ordered (prioritized), hence there is no need to apply a Primary Bucket Priority (PBP) or a Secondary Bucket Priority (SBP) on the dialing list.

The following picture provides a pictorial example of how this case works.

A screenshot of a cell phoneDescription automatically generated

CASE 3: List Order

This case occurs when the following switch settings are used:


Active List Order

Grab Bag






List Order

(per Campaign’s Dial Sequence)

In this case, rather than thinking about buckets, we think about a continuous list of records, as well, even though this list may be split in pieces for performance purposes (but has no impact on the selection an ordering logic) as the example later in this section shows.

For this case, we work with one Sub-Campaign at a time; we select all the records from one Sub-Campaign before we move on to the next Sub-Campaign. The Sub-Campaign to be used first and which one follows is determined by the order in which they are arranged in the GUI by the user.

On a per Sub-Campaign basis, the selection criteria are applied to the complete set of Contact records from that Sub-Campaign.

The following priorities are applied:


List Order


Records with Lowest Call Attempts First (ATTEMPTS_LEAST)


(per Campaign’s Dial Sequence)





Once again, this case is all about the selection process. The Primary Grab Priority (PGP) used in this step is to grab records with the lower number of call attempts (ATTEMPTS_LEAST) from the complete set in the Sub-Campaign whose turn is next; records with the same number of call attempts (which we refer to as Bags in the pictorial example) are then ordered (prioritized) using the Secondary Grab Priority (SGP), which is obtained from the corresponding Campaign’s Dial Sequence setting.

The dialing list is then appended with the selected Contact records, which are already ordered (prioritized), hence there is no need to apply a Primary Bucket Priority (PBP) or a Secondary Bucket Priority (SBP) on the dialing list.

The following picture provides a pictorial example of how this case works.

A screenshot of a cell phoneDescription automatically generated

CASE 4: Combined List / Oldest First

This case occurs when the following switch settings are used: 


Active List Order

Grab Bag






Combined List

Oldest First

In this case, again, rather than thinking about buckets, we think about a continuous list of records, even though this list may be split in pieces for performance purposes (but has no impact on the selection an ordering logic) as the example later in this section shows.

In this case, the selection criteria are applied to the combined set of all the Contact records from all the included Sub-Campaigns as a whole.

The following priorities are applied:


Combined List / Oldest First


Records with Lowest Call Attempts First (ATTEMPTS_LEAST)


Records for Oldest Leads First (AGE_OLDEST)





This case is all about the selection process, as well. The Primary Grab Priority (PGP) used in this step is to grab records with the lower number of call attempts (ATTEMPTS_LEAST) from the combined list of all included Sub-Campaigns; records with the same number of call attempts are then ordered (prioritized) using the Secondary Grab Priority (SGP), which is set to be AGE_OLDEST.

The dialing list is then filled with the selected Contact records, which are already ordered (prioritized), hence there is no need to apply a Primary Bucket Priority (PBP) or a Secondary Bucket Priority (SBP) on the dialing list.

The following picture provides a pictorial example of how this case works.

A screenshot of a cell phoneDescription automatically generated

Playlist Builder

As previously mentioned, a Playlist is a mechanism that allows us to filter Contacts, or leads, for the purpose of discriminating among the complete set of Contacts in a Campaign, in order to execute focused calls.  This could be useful when we want to keep all the Contacts in a Campaign, but at a given time only call a set of those Contacts that meet a more focused set of criteria; we build Playlists for that, using the Playlist Builder. These Playlists are to be assigned to Campaigns (refer to Campaign Profile) to put them into effect. Do note that a Playlist supersedes any Dial Priorities that may have been set up.

We tell the ChaseData CCaaS system how to build a Playlist through a Playlist Builder, by indicating how to select records using Filters applied on the records.  For example, create a list from records identified with a specific ‘Campaign’ AND a specific ‘Rep’, AND where the Contact address is in a specific ‘State’. The following picture depicts such a filter set definition.

The previous example translates to the following:

_user_guide_filter_1 AND _user_guide_filter_2 OR _user_guide_filter_3

which resolves to:

_user_guide_filter_1 AND (_user_guide_filter_2 OR _user_guide_filter_3)

which effectively expands into:

((Campaign=training) AND (Rep=’testagent’))


((State CONTAINS Florida) OR (State CONTAINS florida))

The rules are as follows:

  1. Rule 1: The logical operator defined for a filter block is applied between the current filter block and the filter block that follows it
  1. Rule 2: The logical operator for statements within a filter block is always AND.

Refer to the following picture.

To configure a Playlist, go the main menu area on the left, click to expand the Outbound menu, and select Playlist Builder. Then select an existing list from the top-left pull-down menu or create a new list by clicking on the New button, top right.  Refer to the following picture.

As you can see, we have a list of Available Filters on the left panel; when someone creates a Filter, they are made available for use in defining any Playlist. On the right panel we have a list of Active Filters, which represent those Filters that are part of the current Playlist.

You can move Filters between the Available Filters and the Active Filters areas, which effectively builds a Playlist; this can be done either by drag-and-drop or using the action icons between the two window panels.

To add a new Filter, click on the Add Filter button, which pops up a new dialog window. Type the filter name, select the logical operator (ANDOR) to be used between this Filter block and the one that would follow; then create statement lines by clicking on the new item editing area and enter or select the appropriate values.  Hit ENTER or click Update to apply changes. Refer to the picture below.

Each resulting Filter is a group of one or more conditional statements (lines) to which the AND logical operator is applied between each statement; if you have condition statements A, B, and D, your Filter would be interpreted as “A AND B AND C”.



string, numeric, date

The values on the left and right side of the operator match exactly


string, numeric, date

The values on the left and right side of the operator do not match exactly


string, numeric

The value on the left side of the operator matches a value of a list of values on the right side of the operator


string, numeric

The value on the left side of the operator does not match any value of a list of values on the right side of the operator



The value on the left side of the operator can be found within (is a sub-string of) the value on the right side of the operator



The value on the left side of the operator can be found at the beginning (is the first sub-string) of the value on the right side of the operator



The value on the left side of the operator can be found at the end (is the last sub-string) of the value on the right side of the operator


numeric, date

The value on the left side of the operator is smaller than the value on the right side of the operator; for dates, smaller is equivalent to earlier


numeric, date

The value on the left side of the operator is larger than the value on the right side of the operator; for dates, larger is equivalent to more recent


numeric, date

The value on the left side of the operator is smaller than or the same as the value on the right side of the operator; for dates, smaller is equivalent to earlier


numeric, date

The value on the left side of the operator is larger than or the same as the value on the right side of the operator; for dates, larger is equivalent to more recent.

The following default formats need to be considered for the rules to be properly interpreted:

  1. Date – should be in the following form: MM/DD/YYYY, where MM is the two-digit month number, DD is the two-digit day of the month, and YYYY is the four-digit year.
  1. State – should be in the following form: XX, which represents the official two-character abbreviation representing a USA state.

To make a Playlist definition to be available for Campaigns, you must check the List Active checkbox. Refer to the following picture.

You can assign a Playlist definition to a Campaign, which effectively sets the corresponding parameter in Campaign Settings; or you could just do it directly in Campaign Settings at any time, as long as List Active is set.

Agent Dial List

Admin users can create and manage special lists of numbers (Contacts) to call, assigning them to specific agents.  The agent’s Skill must be enabled to Use Dial Lists; when enabled, the Agent Client GUI will provide the ability to access the assigned lists and call a Contact in one of those lists.

To configure Dial Lists, go the main menu area on the left, click to expand the Outbound menu, and select Agent Dial List. Then pull down the Select Agent menu found in the top left of the presentation area and select one of the agents in the menu.  Then pull down the Select List menu next to it and select a list, if available.  Refer to the following picture.

If the selected list is not empty, it will show the numbers already included in the list; in addition, if a number in the list has already been dialed, it will show a check-mark in its left-most column, as well as the date, time, and duration of the last call; otherwise, it will just show a question-mark.

You can either add a new list by clicking on the Add New List (‘+’) icon, or edit the list by clicking on the Edit Dial List (pen) icon.  Refer to the following picture.

After clicking on the Add New List (‘+’) icon you’ll be able to type the name of the new list on the name field; new icons will also appear, Save and Cancel, so you can save the new empty list or cancel the operation.  Refer to the following picture.

You are now able to add numbers to the newly created list; you do this, with any list, by clicking on the Edit Dial List (pen) icon.  Refer to the following picture.

A text area is now enabled for editing; you can either type phone numbers (one per line) or paste them in.  It is recommended that phone numbers are entered without spaces, parenthesis, or dashes; the system will properly format them for display after you save the list.

You can Save Dial ListCancel, or Clear Dial List by clicking on the appropriate icon (top-right of the window panel).  Refer to the following pictures.

Dialing Rules

Sometimes the original number for a Contact is not the best or right number to call, for one reason or another, and a call attempt results in Wrap-up Code indicating some kind of failure reaching out to the Contact; to handle those cases, the ChaseData CCaaS system allows creating and configuring Dialing Rules that go through an alternate progression of numbers, in the case that the disposition or wrap-up code in the Contact record matches one in a corresponding list (Disposition Set). 

The alternate phone numbers to progress through are identified by the Phone Fields included in the rule; in other words, the system looks for a match against the value of one of the fields of type Phone listed in the Disposition Set.

The Dialing Rule is defined by creating an ordered list that indicates, with each item in the list, what field value to check in the Contact record, in the case that one of the dispositions (in a Disposition Set) match the Contact’s current disposition.

We’ll go through these two steps in more detail, but first, there’s one more step needed, which is to assign the Dialing Rule to the appropriate Campaign; refer to Campaign Profile for that.

So, first, we need to define a Disposition Set; multiple sets can be used. To do this, go the main menu area on the left, click to expand the Outbound menu, select Dialing Rules, expand it, and select Disposition Set. You will see a list of disposition sets, if previously defined; to create a new one, click on the left-most side of the editing area (grey bar), enter the title (name) for the new set and hit ENTER.  Refer to the following picture.

After you have created an empty Disposition Set, you need to populate the set; to do that click on the Edit Dispositions icon (pen) for that set, which will pop up a new window. Enter one or more dispositions by, for each, clicking on the edit grey bar, selecting from the pull-down menu that it appears, and hitting ENTER.  Refer to the following picture.

Now, we need to create the other part of the Dialing Rule, which identifies the phone fields to consider (go through). To do this, once again go the main menu area on the left, and under the expanded Outbound menu, select Dial Through.  Refer to the following pictures.

You will see a list of items, if previously defined. To create a new one, click on the left-most side of the editing area (grey bar), enter the title (name) for the new rule, then go to the next column and pull down the menu to select the Advance Table (Custom Data) that defines the phone fields to be considered, then hit ENTER (you must do this before editing the Phone Fields, in order to guarantee that the custom data fields are made available).

Next is to create the list of Phone Fields to be referenced and link them to a Disposition Set; click on the Edit icon (pen), which will open a new window where we can add one or more fields of type Phone and couple them with a Disposition Set, indicating that the dispositions on that set trigger the use of that field to determine which number to dial. The set also includes a Sort Order value (larger number dials first).  Refer to the following picture.

Apply all updates and close the relevant pop-up window(s); the Dialing Rule is ready for use by a campaign.

Quick Redial

With the ChaseData Quick Redial feature you can quickly and automatically call again (redial) numbers that meet certain criteria, for example, -calls that returned a busy signal or went to an answering machine.

Multiple Fast Redial rule-sets can be defined at the system level, and a campaign can be enabled with one of them. A Fast Redial rule-set can have multiple rules, where each rule provides two conditions to meet, attempt number and disposition (call status), and defines how long to wait (delay) before the redial is performed if the conditions are met. For example, if attempt number 1 returns a busy signal (disposition/call status), wait 10 minutes, then redial.

Fast Redial is a prioritization condition, therefore the involved number is put in the priority queue and dialed immediately when the wait time concludes. This, of course, considers time zone, schedules, and callability settings, meaning that other broader settings, like being outside calling hours, will prevent the redial from taking effect.

A Fast Redial rule-set can include multiple rules, which are entirely at the discretion of the administrator implementing them, including whether there is any overlap among them. This is important to understand because overlaps usually cause overflows, since the ChaseData system will apply a rule independently of the other rules. For example, if a rule indicates a Fast Redial after 10 minutes for attempts 1, 3, and 5, while another rule indicates a Fast Redial after 5 minutes for attempt 4, it will execute all of them (10-min delayed fast redial for attempts 1, 3, and 5, AND 5-min delayed fast redial for attempt 4).

Both system and non-system dispositions can be used for a Fast Redial rule. An implication of this is that even manual calls can be fast redialed, if the disposition of that call and the call attempt match a rule.

The number used as Caller ID is unchanged for a redial (same as for the call attempt on which the fast redial is performed).

Let us now go through the process of defining and enabling Fast Redial for a Campaign. You will notice that you need some building blocks before Fast Redial is enabled for a Campaign. But for the purpose of understanding the purpose and end result first, here we present the feature from the top down, starting at the Campaign settings, and then looking at the underlying building blocks as we go along. In some cases, these building blocks will already be available, but in most cases, particularly the first few times, you will need to address them first.

With that in mind, the first thing is to enable the campaign for Fast Redial, which we do in the Advance Dialing Rules & Strategies area of the Outbound Settings of Campaign Settings for the campaign desired (refer to Campaign section for navigating to this area). Here we pull down the Fast Redial menu and select a previously created Fast Redial rule-set. Refer to the following picture.

Now, let us review where this Fast Redial rule-set is defined. It can be found in the Fast Redial area of Dialing Rules, under Outbound. This area lists all Fast Redial rule-sets available, which can be reviewed or edited by clicking on the Edit icon. This will open a new window presenting all Attempt Lists defined for this Fast Redial rule-set. Refer to the following pictures.

Each Attempt List is composed of three parts; the call Attempts to be checked against a disposition in the Disposition Set, and the Wait Time (in minutes) of delay after that attempt before executing the fast redial.

These parameters can be edited by clicking on each field (or a new Attempt List can be created); in the case of Attempt and Wait Time, just type the desired values, while for Disposition Set a pull-down menu lists available ones previously defined.

The Attempt parameter can be a single attempt number (e.g., “2”), a range of attempt numbers (e.g., “1-4”), a comma-separated list of attempt numbers (e.g., “2,4,6”), or a combination (e.g., “1-3,5,8”).

Now, let us review where Disposition Sets are defined. They can be found in the Disposition Set area of Dialing Rules, under Outbound. This area lists all Disposition Sets available, which can be reviewed or edited by clicking on the Edit icon. This will open a new window presenting all Dispositions included in this Disposition Set.

A new Disposition can be added, or one modified by clicking on it, which presents a pull-down menu with all dispositions available. Any system and non-system available disposition can be used in the set.

Refer to the following picture.

In summary, based on the examples in this article, the campaign User-Guide-Documentation has Fast Redial enabled using the fast redial test Fast Redial rule-set, which includes two Attempt Lists. One of those lists indicates that on attempts 1 through 3, if the resulting call disposition matches one in the fastredial Disposition Set, wait for 5 minutes and then redial the number (assuming there are no other conditions preventing it, like outside of dialing hours, contact is not callable, etc.).

So, for example, if a corresponding number is called for the first time, which is attempt #1, resulting in a disposition of CR_CNCT/CON_PAMD, the system will wait 5 minutes after which it will immediately redial the number (using the same Caller ID from attempt #1).

Outbound Voice Prompts

Outbound Call Management often requires recordings to be played to the called party, such as when leaving voice mail.  These messages can be configured from an audio file (e.g. MP3 upload) or from a TTS audio script (previously defined Script).

To access the configuration area, click on the 3-dot icon on the right side of the top area of the GUI (a.k.a. the “Tools menu”), above the Search field, which will open a menu; click on Settings, and then on Voice Settings on the expanded menu.  This will populate the configuration panel accordingly.  Refer to the following picture.  

When the Voice Settings panel is displayed, click on the Outbound Voice Prompts tab and the list of voice prompts, if any, is displayed.  To add a new one, click on Click here to add new item on the grey bar on top of the list, under Recording. At this time an audio file can be uploaded by clicking on the Upload button; if instead TTS is to be used, pull down the Select Audio Script and select a pre-defined script (see Scripts chapter).  Then continue to the next fields to select the applicable CampaignSub-campaign, and Rep associated with this voice prompt.  Next select what is the message going to be used for (multiple selections are possible); see next table for description of each option.  Finally, use the Active checkbox to have the voice prompt enabled or disabled.  Refer to the following pictures.

Voice Prompt Usage Options

Answering Machine Message

The message will be used for voicemail message actions

Live Message

The message will be available for on-the-fly selection and playback by the agent

Hold Message

The message will be played when the called party is put on hold

Abandoned Call Message

The message will be played when the system is about to drop the call, before disconnecting

Auto Play

The message will be played automatically when the call is connected to an agent.

There are two special tone notifications that can be customized to utilize a user-provided recording; they are referred to as Custom Outbound Notifications, which are played to the agent when the applicable conditions apply. They are as follows:

  1. _BEEP_ : This is a notification that is played to the agent when the system dials a call automatically (outbound, not including Progressive). The default beep can be modified by creating an Outbound Voice prompt, naming it _BEEP_ (file name of the custom recording).
  1. _HANGUP_ : This is a notification that is played to the agent when a call hangs up for any reason. The default beep can be modified by creating an Outbound Voice prompt, naming it _ HANGUP_ (file name of the custom recording).

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