---------- VALUES FOR ANY SCRIPT ---------------
1) (#FORM:BEGIN#) - begin of submit form
2) (#FORM:END#) - end of submit form
3) (#FORM:SUBMIT:<--name-->#) - simple button to submit form data and proceed to confirmation script (if setup)
4) (#FORM:SUBMIT_AND_EMAIL:<--name-->:<--email-->#) - same as (3) with ability to send email if setup
5) (#FORM:SUBMIT_AND_EMAIL_EX:<--name-->:<--email-->:<--template_email-->#) - same as (4) with ability to send email using template
6) (#FORM:NAVIGATE:<--template_navigation-->:<--name-->#) - navigate to another script (like "back" and so on). Without save!
7) (#FORM:SUBMIT_AND_NAVIGATE:<--template_navigation-->:<--name-->#) - same as (6) with form data submit
8) (#FORM:SUBMIT_AND_NAVIGATE_AND_EMAIL:<--name-->:<--email-->:<--template_email-->:<--template_navigation-->#) - same as (8) with ability to send email using template
9) (#FORM:SUBMIT_AND_GOOGLE_DOCS:<--google_document-->:<--name-->#) - same as (3) with ability to import data into Google Docs spreadsheet
10) (#FORM:RECORDING:<--name-->#) - clicable recording link for current lead
11) (#FORM:RECORDING_URL#) - print recording URL for current lead
12) (#EDIT:<--name-->:<--width-->#) - create editable field for current field (aka <input type="text"...)
13) (#EDIT:<--name-->:<--width-->:<--height-->#) - create editable textarea for current field (aka <textarea...)
14) (#EDIT:<--name-->:<--width-->:CALENDAR#) - create JavaScript calendar control. stores data as "string".
15) (#FORM:EMAIL:<--email-->:<--template_email-->#) - additional email to be send on submit. Macros can be used multiple times in the same script however template_email should be used only once, additional receivers for the same template can be added via CC.
---------- VALUES FOR EMAIL SCRIPT ---------------
15) (#EMAIL:SUBJECT:BEGIN#)<--text-->(#EMAIL:SUBJECT:END#) - email subject
16) (#EMAIL:FROM:BEGIN#)<--text-->(#EMAIL:FROM:END#) - email sender
17) (#EMAIL:CC:BEGIN#)<--text-->(#EMAIL:CC:END#) - comma-separated public copy
18) (#EMAIL:BCC:BEGIN#)<--text-->(#EMAIL:BCC:END#) - comma-separated hidden copy
---------- DEFINITIONS --------------
<--name--> - name that will appear as caption
<--email--> - email from CallInfo/Adv table field OR constant field (aka <input type="hidden....>)
<--template_email--> - name of any script that will be used as email template
<--template_navigation--> - name of any script that will be used for navigation
<--google_document--> - name of spreadsheet in google docs
<--width--> - horizontal size of element
<--height--> - vertical size of element
<--text--> - custom data (see macros definiton)