Creating Dispositions

Creating Dispositions

This article is going to explain how to make dispositions for use by agents in ChaseData Cloud Based Software Administrator Portal. Dispositions are basically resulting call statuses your agents choose at the end of the call.

The first thing we are going to do is navigate over to the left menu and choose Campaigns and then choose Dispositions and Add Disposition.

When you reach the disposition screen you are going to be presented with all the campaigns in the system that have dispositions assigned to them. You have a choice of either assigning a dispositions to a single campaign, multiple campaigns, or all campaigns.

In most cases creating dispositions like ‘Answering Machine’ you would want to apply across all campaigns so all of your agents have access to it. However if you have a specific disposition like for a Sale you may want to apply that to a single campaign so it will not show up in all of your campaigns.

This is going to be entirely up to our customers on how they would like to use dispositions and for which campaigns our system is entirely customizable to fit your business.

Adding a new dispositions is quite simple. All you have to do is click on the grey bar at the top of the screen to get started. First would be choosing the campaign you want to create a disposition under. Note if you do not want a disposition to be created for use in all campaigns but you do want to assign it to multiple campaigns you will have to create the same disposition over again for each specific campaign you assign it to.

Once you have assigned your campaign to your new disposition you have to name choose the name for it. This is entirely up to the user on what they want to call their disposition and here are some standard examples of them.

Answering Machine

Not Interested

Not available

Call Back

Left Message

Not Qualified


After you have chosen a name for your new disposition we have to move on and assign whether we want it to be callable again or not. If you checkbox the callable option the campaign will recycle the lead over again in its calling list to be attempted again. Callable dispositions are all treated equally in our calling lists so there is no preference when redialing. However campaign dialing settings will still be applied when calling. (see creating campaign article for more on dial modes.)

The next configuration is called Redial After. This setting will allow you to put a day count in the field that indicates how many days that disposition will “rest” until it is called again. This setting only works in tandem with the callable setting being set to "Non Callable". If a disposition is set to callable you cannot use Redial After. 

Is Final is a setting in our system that if a record reaches this disposition it will always be documented as whatever that disposition may be. For example if you wanted to set “sale” as isFinal then that record in the system will always be notated as “sale.” Even in the even if that person called back in to the system and was dispositioned as something different it is not going to change the call status in the system. IsFinal can work quite beneficially but it will reflect in reports so keep that in mind.

Moving on to the description field. Keep in mind this is the label that your agents will see for that disposition. For example you could put DNC in for the disposition and in the description you can name it Do Not Call. In the agent drop down for the disposition they will see Do Not Call.

On to the type field we will have to choose which type our disposition is.

You have a few choices so let us list them off and give descriptions for each:

Connect = The line was connected to an actual person or answering machine.

NoConnect = This disposition resulted in a No Connect. The dialer could have let slip through a fax line for example and you can setup an agent disposition for fax that would be considered as a NoConnect.

Contact = This is a connected disposition that was also a contact because you were able to speak with someone on the other line that you were trying to reach. This is also the disposition types that are going to be sized up to your sales and reported on in our campaign and agent performance reports.

Sale/Apt/Lead = This is going to be your conversion disposition for your company. This is call results you really want to keep track of to see how well your company is doing on the contacts that have been loaded in the system. Or alternatively this is going to be the disposition for ful filling your services on an inbound call flow.

Choosing the location is next on our list of disposition configurations. You have the choice of having the disposition show up in the default location of the disposition window (PopUp Window). This is the drop down selections the agents have once they click on the disposition button. Left Menu is another choice which this will be a sub button under the disposition button in the left menu. Not once you click this sub button once it will automatically hangup and disposition the call. We tend to refer to this as quick disposition buttons. Other choices are “Blind Transfer” which is used to include this Wrap-Up Code in the disposition pull-down menu included in the Transfer Call window, Blind Transfer tab. Lastly there is the choice of “Break Codes” which changes the entry from a disposition to a type of break code. If you want to take advantage of multiple break statuses instead of just agent pause you can build them here. Some examples of this would be Lunch Break, Bathroom Break, Smoke Break and so forth…

Shortcuts are quick combination keys you can assign to a disposition to make dispositioning go faster for your agents. For example if you would like to assign answering machine to SHIFT + A then when an agent performs that key combination on a connected call the call will hangup and disposition the call as answering machine.

Sort Order is essentially going to assign which order the dispositions appear in your listings. In the disposition window if you list off 1 being first and 10 being last you can organize how the dispositions appear to your agents. Default configuration is going to be according to alphabetical order.

Finally the last setting is going to be icon. If you assign the disposition to the left menu only you can upload an image to go alongside your disposition. The image file size has requirements to work correctly.

Here are the img requirements:

48x48 pixels

100 DPI



The very last thing to discuss is going to be deleting dispositions from our campaigns. Performing this will not deleted the call status from your histories. However you should know that call status that you deleted is going to sit assigned to your leads until you manually reset your leads or assign a different disposition to them.

That is going to conclude creating dispositions in ChaseData Cloud Software Administrator Portal please reference other articles on using our product in the Knowledge Base.


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