Agent Reports would give an agent access to view their reports to better breakdown the calls they are making and the progress through the leads or clients.
To access these reports you would select Reports from the Agent Portal.
Once selected you will see a list of the different reports for that particular agent.
You would select the specific reports you would like to view, you would then see a popup screen appear with the metrics for this current agent. Here are the reports you will have access too, as well as a breakdown of each report.
Agent Analysis Report
Campaign: The Campaign that a rep is or was logged into.
Hours: Will determine the length of time spent in each campaign.
Contacts: Are the number of leads defined as contacts by your dispositions.
Connects: Are the number of leads defined as connects by your dispositions.
CPH: Calls per Hour
Sale/Lead/App- Sales Leads Appointments Set
S-L-A/HR- Sales Leads Appointments Set per hour
Call Backs- Number of callbacks an agent has set
Av. Talk Time- Average agent talk time
Av. Wait Time- Average agent wait time (waiting in queue)
Time Avail- Time off break or unpaused
Time Paused- Time on break or paused
Talk Time- Actual talk time of this agent
Wrap Up Time- After call work, such as taking notes and editing information,until disposition is selected.
Logged In Time-Length of time agent is logged in or length of time in each campaign(log in time)
Contacts: Are the number of leads defined as contacts by your dispositions.
Connects: Are the number of leads defined as connects by your dispositions.
Hours: Hours worked
Sale/Lead/App- Sales Leads Appointments Set
Connects per hr- Connects per hour (based on disposition)
S-L-A/ per hr- Sales Leads Appointments Set per hour
Talk Time- Agent talk time
Break Time- Time spent paused or on break
Wait time- Length of time spent waiting for a call in queue
Wrap Up Time- After call work, such as taking notes and editing information,until disposition is selected.
Logged In Time- Length of time agent is logged in or length of time in each campaign(log in time)